Weekly Update #4 (Public Journal)

Happy (not really) Monday! Well, I hope your Monday is happy, I just mean mine isn’t. I did not write my post on Sunday like I usually do because I was exhausted and I still am. So I am sitting here trying to write it out before noon. (Spoiler: I did not get it done by then) If I could describe my past week in one word, it would be TIRING. I grossly underestimated how tired the back-to-school routine would have me. I’ve actually been going to bed early, so I don’t know why I feel like someone beat me with a baseball bat.

Getting up at 6:00 a.m. is not for me, but I’d like for it to be. The world feels peaceful early in the morning, but that’s the same reason I always stayed up late. It’s peaceful when everyone is asleep. I’d much prefer the staying up late version of peace, to the getting up early version, but I don’t get much of a choice. I’m sure I will adjust to it just fine after a few weeks in the routine. I also want to say I’m terribly sorry if this week’s update seems like a lot of complaining. I will try to make it more positive, but this is supposed to be my raw feelings and they are currently not very positive.

The past week has absolutely kicked my ass, and Saturday I woke up with body aches and zero energy. Dragging myself around the house to play with my two-year-old seemed impossible. I’m not sick or I don’t have any symptoms of being sick other than no energy, body aches, and my skin being sensitive to the touch, so it’s weird. I’m assuming I’m probably just exhausted and my body is just getting used to my new schedule. I sure hope it rights itself in a few days, but at the current moment it is very much still giving me issues.

My adjustment to this new schedule has made me out to be a big ole liar as well because in my last post I said I would have my review for One Last Rainy Day up on Wednesday of last week, and that did not happen. I also said I’d post something original like a poem or chapter within the next two weeks and that will probably also not happen. Let’s take a raincheck on both of those for now until I get a little more acclimated to this new schedule. I promise they will be coming at some unspecified time in the future!

On a positive note, I started back on reading the After Series. I’m on the fourth book, After Ever Happy. I had been doing a read-along on my TikTok for the series, but I took a break after the third book and read some other books. I’m not very far into After Ever Happy yet because I got distracted by another book called Drive, by: Kate Stewart, but I’m slowly getting back to it. Kate Stewart is the author who wrote The Ravenhood Series that I have raved about so much. I have enjoyed her writing style and definitely want to read more from her, so I recommend her books if you love a good romance that really makes you feel the emotions of the characters.

I hate that I didn’t have a more exciting or insightful update this week, but it’s just been one of those weeks. We all have them sometimes and that’s perfectly okay. I guess that would be my takeaway from last week; it’s okay to have bad days/bad weeks. Don’t feel like you have to pretend and put on a positive face for everyone all the time. You’re allowed to feel your emotions and negative ones are a part of life too. I’m hoping for positive vibes and lots of energy in the coming week! I hope you all have a fantastic week and that you get some amazing rest! I’m sure we all need it!

XXXX(All Kisses),

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