Weekly Update #7 (Public Journal)

I skipped my update last week because I felt like there wasn’t much to update and I was also in a bit of a funk. I was doing my “going missing from the internet and everyone bit.” I don’t purposely do it, but sometimes when I get overwhelmed and don’t feel the best, that happens. Right after I started feeling better from whatever I was sick with, I got sick again, and all my energy and motivation to get things done that I had just gotten back vanished, and I was frustrated. While I’m again not one hundred percent well, I am starting to feel more normal again. Let’s hope it sticks this time.

I will be thankful for the week I get to update and say I don’t feel bad at all and haven’t been sick, but hey, it’s where we’re at right now, so what can I do? I’m going to start taking vitamins, that’s for sure though. Anyway, onto more of an update about something other than sickness. I am still in the process of cleaning out my clothes (I know, it’s been weeks), but hubs gave me a good idea. He said since I have all these clothes, why don’t I start posting outfit inspiration? I thought that may be a good idea so I can actually do something with all the clothing I have and because I love clothing and fashion. I may do some outfit inspo posts on here and my Instagram, so if you’d like to follow me over there, it’s instagram.com/summmmernicole

I always felt like I needed to pick a niche for my Instagram and blog, but the niche is just me and things I love, so it may not be perfectly curated, but it is authentic. I will more than likely be posting about books and clothing since that’s two huge things I love, though. I’m kind of excited at the idea of posting outfit inspiration because I used to always dress up and want to look cute, no matter if I was just going to the grocery store. Now since I’m such a homebody I don’t dress up as often, so it will be nice to do that again. If you want to see any specific type of outfit inspo let me know and I’ll try to find some cute ideas for what you want to see!

This week starts my first week of school again as well, so that’s exciting and scary. I finally want to finish the degree that I started years ago. I’m at a place where I feel like I can put my focus and attention on school and hopefully not get too overwhelmed, but we shall see. I’m trying to keep positive thoughts going into it. My classes opened yesterday where I could see everything and start. The first week seems like double the work of the rest of the weeks. I guess they are doing that to give you an idea of the work, so you can decide if you want to withdraw before the deadline where it counts against you. It seems like they are saying, in the words of Kellin Quinn, “If you can’t hang then, there’s the door, baby.” Let’s hope I can hang.

It seems like a lot, but it also seems interesting, so I think it will keep my attention. I really want to finish this time, I don’t know if just to prove something to myself or what, but it’s a goal I’ve had for a long time and I intend to achieve it. I started my life a little backward and had to put school on hold for a while, but it doesn’t matter how late you start, what matters is that you go for something you want. I’ve been trying all summer to psych myself up for it because I considered that taking care of children, going to school, writing my posts/books, and still having time to breathe will be a lot on my plate, but I think I can handle it. I’ve never been great at time management, but I’m hoping this will help me find a way to make a schedule for everything that works for me.

My takeaway from the past week would have to be that it’s important to go for what you want, even if it’s later in life than you originally planned for it to be. We, as a society, put these made-up timelines on ourselves and everyone else, like you need to finish school by this age, get married and have kids by that age, etc., and it’s ridiculous. It’s all made up. Don’t feel bad about yourself if you start something later than other people around you. There are no perfect ages to have everything finished, it’s just whatever works for you and your personal timeline. Don’t stress yourself out trying to live by someone else’s standards. And if someone has something negative to say about what you’re doing, then I’m sure they are just miserable with themselves and their life to be so worried about yours.

Don’t let miserable people discourage you. Reach for the stars! You can achieve whatever you put your mind to. I hope you have a fabulous week and find a new passion or reignite an old one and go for it!

XXXX (All Kisses),

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